America, The Beautiful

Well friends one down and only one more clinical to go! Mom flew out to make the drive back east with me. We wove through canyons, over the Rockies, across Kansas, on rolling hills and along canopy roads, stopping to be with family along the way. Every scene was one you wish you could capture, ok maybe not every scene, we did drive through Kansas after all...but really the landscape was gorgeous! I sang to myself America, the Beautiful, one of my favorite patriotic songs.

I have to admit, I haven't been feeling all that patriotic lately. So much "about America" I see on the news and online hasn't been beautiful, in fact its been downright ugly at times. Every election has carried its share of arguments and divisions but this time feels particularly nasty. Not just the election but other social issues in the nation are tearing people apart, pitting us against each other. This side of America isn't beautiful. Yes I have my opinions and I'm know I'm stubborn about those views so I suppose I'm also guilty of adding to the ugly though I try not to.

However it is always so refreshing to be reminded of America's beauty. Beautiful are the neighbors checking on each other after the hurricane to make sure everyone is ok. Beautiful are the groups gathered to help with recent flooding troubles. Holding the door for a someone, strangers being patient with my grandmother, someone letting me in despite high traffic, free speech, freedom to worship God, freedom to pursue happiness...these things are beautiful. The sacrifices we make for each other make America beautiful.

Lest anyone be confused or seriously misguided, I'm not a Clemson fan, but I loved coach Swinney stating it like it is when he said, "I think we have a sin problem in the world." All our problems boil down to a sin problem, and sin, my friends, is ugly. There's plenty of ugly out there and I, like everyone else, contribute to it but I'm resolving be better: a little more patient and a little less unkind, a little more understanding and a little less judgmental. I love Katharine Lee Bates' prayer in the verses of this hymn and I too pray for these same blessings on America and us all. Here's to being a little more beautiful

"...America! America! God shed His grace on thee,
And crown thy good with brotherhood
From sea to shining sea!

...America! America! God mend thine ev’ry flaw,
Confirm thy soul in self-control,
Thy liberty in law!

...America! America! May God thy gold refine
Till all success be nobleness,
And ev’ry gain divine!"

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