Fender Mender

Upon arriving at my car in the metro lot, the girl next to me was backing out. Soon I heard an audible crunch. She had backed into a car who was also backing out from the other side. Jumping out of her car, she yelled in anger, "Can't you see when someone is backing out!" I thought she must have been angry with herself because clearly she was at fault, she had hit the side of the car that was already mostly out. With irritation in her voice I was afraid to see what would go down. However, the gentleman in the other vehicle quickly rushed out and without looking at his own car, ran to her to ask her if she was ok. She, like me, did not appear to have been expecting this response. Stammering "yes" she paused then asked him if he was ok. The tone of the exchange completely changed. They surveyed the damage. It was no small dent in his car while her SUV showed no sign of the accident. After examining their vehicles for a minute the man said, "I'm not worried about this, how is your car?" She looked at him in a way that almost suggested she was suspicious, wondering, like me, why he was so ok with the situation. She said her car was fine. They shook hands and both entered their vehicles to drive away.

I stood in awe at that gentleman who cared more for an individual, a stranger no less, than for an object, and not a cheap one at that. His fender was bent but voice was never raised. With a single question he fizzled frustration and mended anger. A situation that would have otherwise ruined someone's day, made my day. People are good! With so much ugly publicized its easy to be skeptical and expect the worse of others like I did today, expecting a firestorm between these two drivers. But people really are good. I hope to be more like this gentleman and care more for someone else than myself or my things.

"This kind of miracle can happen and will happen when there is kindness, respect, and love. Why do any of us have to be so mean and unkind to others? Why can’t all of us reach out in friendship to everyone about us? Why is there so much bitterness and animosity? It is not a part of the gospel of Jesus Christ....There is no end to the good we can do, to the influence we can have with others. Let us not dwell on the critical or the negative. Let us pray for strength; let us pray for capacity and desire to assist others. Let us radiate the light of the gospel at all times and all places, that the Spirit of the Redeemer may radiate from us."
Pres Gordon B Hinkley

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