I send my hello's to yall this week from a quiet and dark family room. If you had told me this time last week what this week would have been like I would have laughed at you and crawled peacefully back into bed. I guess you never know what life has in store for you.
On a hike with the Relief Society Sisters |
I hesitate to share this story but I learned a beautiful lesson from it so here it goes....Sunday night while getting ready to pray I started to feel what I would have described as a discomfort on my right side. This discomfort only grew in intensity until I could hardly function. I woke up my roommate who drove me to the ER. I spent several hours pacing around the waiting room trying to keep my mind off the pain. However it all but subsided by time they brought me back to talk to me. They sent me home with antibiotics, thinking it might be an infection. The pain would return in waves and varying intensities for the next couple days before I went to student health only to discover I have kidney stones, in the plural. Great. Between me and my friends in class this week we have suffered from kidney stones, a broken toe, surgery, flu like symptoms, UTI and tension headaches so we are off to a good start. One month down three more to go!
Lesson from Pain: Monday night I got a blessing of healing at church and some of the phrases took me back to the last time I was in extreme pain, a time I blew my knee out on a slip n' slide (story for another day). My brother gave me a blessing then reminding me that Christ not only suffered for my emotional, mental pain but for my physical pain. He quietly reminded me that "...the Son of Man hath descended below [all things]. Art thou greater than he?" I know that the craziness of this semester are but a "small moment. Then if [I] endure it well..." I can come off conqueror and triumph over all my foes. I needed to choose to act better than I felt and I felt like using these kidney stones as an excuse in so many instances but this reminder was in my head: endure it well. I'm still working on that and based on what the ultrasound says this could be a long slow road. Let me guess we're about to go over a huge waterfall. Sharp rocks at the bottom? Most likely. Bring it on!
Life is sweet. Love yall!
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