Catching up

Dear Ones,

My Classmates and I taking a break from studying
I have been horrible at this this semester....Where to start? I guess the biggest life change that has happened in the last month is that I was released as Relief Society President a several weeks ago. I can count on one hand the number of times I have not sat in front of a relief society meeting in this branch. It was liberating and simultaneously emptying. Something that once consumed so much of my life, time, prayers, and energy was just gone. Its only been a couple weeks and people still turn to me to ask what they should do during our activities and during announcements. Then I say with a smile that that is a question for the relief society president. It was definitely a learning experience for me on so many levels and one of my greatest challenges during my first 2 years here in St Louis but its been oddly challenging to let it go.

Lets just say she liked the zoo.
My sister came in town last weekend and I don't know if she or I needed it more. We played, napped, helped people move, and ate (a lot). It was so fun to have her and brought me back to our last year at BYU where we lived across the street from each other. Now she's back and I miss having her around! But I am getting a new roommate this week who is taking my place for the summer. We'll share the room for the next 3 weeks or so.

This week is my last crazy week before finals and then I'll wave goodbye to this place until January. I have a couple clinicals in neurorehabilitation and at a cancer rehab facility before coming back here for my last semester. This term has just blown by and been so much better than last semester in every way.

Well my Sundays are much slower than they were and with all that extra time I have spent today thinking about how sweet my life is and how grateful I am for the little things. Miss yall and hope to see some of yall soon!!


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